
Joybori Kalon madrassah

  Hi, my dears👋🥰 Today, on the last day of our trip, we visited Joybori Kalon madrasa. We discussed the history and importance of this place today The madrasah Dzhuibory Kalon is in the city of Bukhara in Uzbekistan. The madrasah in the XV—XVII centuries, as well as the majority of historical buildings in Bukhara is constructed. In the XVIII—XIX centuries this madrasah was included into an education system of Bukhara. In the 19th century of madrasah it was used as Muslim school — there came students from all Turkestan: from the cities of Khiva, Samarkand, Tashkent and also from the Tatar settlements of Russia. Now the building of madrasah is an architectural monument and belongs to the world heritage of UNESCO. The madrasah Dzhuibory Kalon is in a southwest part of the city, near a park zone. The madrasah on crossing of three streets is located: Dzhuibor, Yim Gazoli Valya and Hauzi Nau. Near madrasah Dzhuibory Kalon there are some more architectural monuments. This other madrasah of

Khoja Ismatulloh

 Hello my dears! Today also we are gonna to continue our trip to historical monuments and buildings as well as enjoy the sightseeing! Again, I want to share my experiences with you🥰 Today , our group visited the Khoja Ismatulloh shrine. Khoja Ismatullah mastered Quran, Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh, Nazm and other sciences in Bukhara, a noble city with secular and religious mystical sciences. He wrote many poems under the pseudonyms "Ismat" and "Nasiri". People benefited from his knowledge and poetry and memorized his poems. Khoja Ismatullah lived in Samarkand for some time. Khalil Sultan and Mirza Ulugbek, who sat on the throne of Samarkand, took advice from him I loved 😍 this experience of visiting this place.If given a chance, I would visit there one more time!!!

Saifiddin Caravanseroi

 Today our group visited the Saifiddin Caravanseroi located in the old city.The students gave information about this place. One of such specialized places was Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai in Bukhara, built in the XIX century. Caravanserais served as a kind of parking and a shelter for wandering merchants, a place for rest and lodging, the likeness of a modern hotel or motel. Inside, travelers could store their goods in special storage rooms, feed animals in designated pens, have a snack in a teahouse or take a bath. Another special place in a caravanserai was the exchange money point. Sayfiddin’s Caravanserai was considered a state-run and was a place of shelter mainly of rich merchants (bais) engaged in trade in gold, pearls, diamonds and other precious metals. According to that, we can say that in this caravanserai there was a good turnover, which reached about 5,000 rubles a day. Currently, at the entrance to the ancient caravanserai, there are small shops with national souvenirs and ha


 Today we went to the palace of the emir of Bukhara with our classmates. Continuing our journey, we got a lot of news and information about historical places that we did not know. When arriving in Bukhara by train, visit the 19th century Palace of the Emir of Bukhara in Kagan, which is located near the station. Tourists often pass by the palace quickly, as it’s not easy to see from the road. This is a shame because the palace is very attractive, with unusual architecture and an interesting history. It’s considered an architectural monument of Uzbekistan. The palace’s origins lie in the expansion of the Russian Empire to Central Asia in the second half of the 19th century. Towards the end of the century, strong diplomatic relations developed between Russia and the Bukhara Emirate, and the development of railways continued. The settlement of New Bukhara was established 12km from Bukhara, on the railway line to Tashkent, and New Bukhara became a base for the Russian military, engineers, a

Sayyid Amir Kulol

 Today , I and man coursmates visited in the shrine of Sayyid Amir Kulol, the sixth of the seven pirs in Bukhara.This place is very peaceful and all the students enjoyed it. Sayid Amir Kulal was born in 1281 in the village of Sukhor (now the village of Yangikhet) in the Kagan region, in the village of hereditary potters. According to legend, he was tall and broad in shoulders. Penetrating eyes peered out from under furrowed brows. His skin was tan. His face was framed by a gray beard. He was very humble and gentle in manner. He was far from objection and stubbornness. Thanks to wrestling in his youth, he had a large physique, and was physically developed. As for spirituality, there was no person who would doubt his righteousness, because he behaved like an enlightened one who absorbed all the best that Sharia, Tariqa and Marifat contain. Sayyid Amir Kulal had a huge number of followers, including four of his sons, who later became noble Sufis and continued the teachings of their father

Khoja Gaukushan Ensemble

 Hello, dears. Today we went out again to continue our practice. Today we went to Gavkushan madrasa with our group. I want to share my impressions of my trip today. The Khoja-Gaukushan Ensemble  is one of the largest architectural complexes in the center of Bukhara. Along with a number of other buildings in central Bukhara, it is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The name Gaukushan means "killing bulls" as the site was previously home to an animal trading area.The complex includes a madrassa and a mosque with a tall and wide minaret, equal in width to the Khoja Kalon minaret, but shorter. The complex was built in 1570 during the reign of the Uzbek Khan Abdullah II. According to the various sources, the idea to produce this ensemble originates from Sheikh Khoja Saad, from the honored Juybar family. He granted funds for the construction of large and significant objects, becoming the main patron of the project. Also, another source says that the ensemble's only Jum